Friday, 4 October 2019

Is love a psychic disorder?

The torments associated with the feeling of love, anchored in our culture, would seem to be amplified in our time.

It is a psychoanalyst who says it: "The psys do not like love". And patients, often, confirm. Caroline, 39, in analytic psychotherapy for two years, remembers the angry look of her therapist when she told him in full session, with unbridled enthusiasm, to have met "the man of his life": "He looked at me, eyebrows in the air and wrinkled forehead, then asked me a series of questions like: what really seduces you at home? Have you taken the time to speak well together? Etc. It looked like a worried parent, "laughs the young woman. Although this suspicion was undoubtedly inspired by this patient's family and emotional story, it seems generally that psychotherapists have many reasons to be wary of love.

Forcibly painful?

Of this noble sentiment universally hoped for, venerated, fantasized, they most often see only the throes: poisonous couple installed in the dependence, obsession towards an inaccessible person, melancholy diving after a rupture, exacerbation of the feeling of abandonment, inability to leave an abusive partner, destructive jealousy .... The words about love reported in session seem to illustrate Freud's thought that "we are never as badly protected against suffering as when we love". This vision of an inevitably painful love existed well before the invention of psychoanalysis, as the philosopher Olivia Gazalé aptly tells us in his essay Je t'aime à la philo (Editions Robert Laffont). She explores the subtle links between our affective lives and the thought of a Spinoza or Sartre, and answers in depth questions as essential as "the disenchantment is it inevitable?" Or "chooses to be love?".
Son of Ares and Aphrodite
For her, this risk of "love-suffering" is based first and foremost, in each of us, on a "culture of passionate logic" that has been dominant for centuries: "In love, we suffer even before know it, "observes the philosopher. And to invoke the three great founding myths that haunt our unconscious: Eros, a god of love born of sensuality (Aphrodite) and war (Ares); the Passion of Christ, which mixes love and suffering; finally, the secular myth of Tristan and Yseult, which forever seal in our minds the image of lovers so excited by passion that they die.

The philosopher then joins the psychological approach of love when it describes the suffering to which it, in its very essence, constrains us: desire for fusion, lack of the other and jealousy, awareness of our ontological loneliness .

"Everyono love"e wants t

Dr. Richard Meyer, somatoanalyst and author of the New Psychological Pathologies (Éditions Dangles), notes daily the durability of these "symptoms" generated by the love sentiment. He acknowledges, however, that over the past decade, the desolation of patients in this area seems to have increased. "Initially, of course, love is the purest and most beautiful emotional feeling," the practitioner admits. But it tends to become pathological when we want to register emotions, behaviors in the reality of the couple ... Then appear the problems of communication, management of everyday life. Today, everyone wants to love, many have sexually liberated, but we stumble on the experience of the couple ... And we are quickly separated! "
As part of a psychotherapy, the way of loving is also a red thread to clarify a diagnosis, such as "tell me how you like, I'll tell you who you are": "The narcissistic personalities do not know not experience it, are unable to empathize, says Dr. Richard Meyer. Borderlines attract love but do not believe that another can love them; Dependent personalities accept anything from a loving partner as long as they are kept ... "

To awaken the emotional feeling to make it live already inside of oneself, like a treasure that one would have to make grow before even sharing it with another, to learn to really feel the love in his body (sensations, emotions ... ), is the first step in a therapeutic process that can be lengthy. "A real work on love can only be done during a psychoanalysis of several years," says Dr. Richard Meyer. A demanding exploration, certainly, but that would be worth it. For the psychoanalyst, love "is the new frontier of the modern citizen, and, in our society of control and control, as a last grace that still allows us to abandon ourselves".

Get a good psychic reading

Why psychic readings are very popular!

Psychic readings are popular with people of all ages. Those seeking help from psychics for various reasons. Some people are looking to help solve difficult situations that have occurred in your life. Other people have given psychic readings guidance and help them make difficult decisions. Others need to solve complex problems in your life and search for psychic readings to determine the significance of these events. Others are looking for insights into events that happen in your life and how to deal with these events.

What is a psychic?

A psychic is a person who has certain gifts that allow them to determine the past and future events and the senses behind the events. Mediums are often asked by people who want to know and advice for events that occur in their lives. Some people want guidance on events that have already occurred and others who want insight events still occur. These ideas are called to a psychic reading. Psychic readings are popular and people can receive a variety of configurations, including online, over the phone or in a mental residence or business place.

Find the right psychic advice
Although there are many qualified mediums to choose from, selecting the right one for your needs can be quite simple, with proper planning. Effective reading depends largely on the compatibility between you and a specific psychic. This means that first and foremost you should find a psychic that you are comfortable with and can be easily connected.
Your planning options is the initial step of best in psychic research. The first decision is if you want to read via a phone call, a chat online or in person. Each has different advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best suits your needs. Then look for a trusty clairvoyant. Look for psychics who have clearly announced their fees. Several good psychic will give a brief consultation, without giving the opportunity to evaluate and establish a connection.

Another way to make sure your psychic is reliable is by seeking feedback from previous clients. What are their psychological background and qualifications? What kind of readings are available and how to do it? Different psychic doing readings in different ways and specializing in certain areas, so select the one that looks right for you. If the chosen psychic offers a free consultation, use this time to decide if you select the type of psychic. If something does not feel good, a mental note with different skills and knowledge.

The key element of finding a good psychic is to choose a person whose methods and presence make you feel comfortable. The link between you and your psychic is easy as the most fulfilling reading is likely to be. psychic search carefully, but if you find that the psychic is selected is wrong, use trial and error to find a psychic who can connect with.

Get a good psychic reading - what you need to know before reading the housing starts
Getting a good psychic reading can be frustrating, intimidating, even overwhelming, but is not necessary though. Getting a good psychic reading can be a pleasant and satisfying one. If you can keep a few simple steps into consideration before reading, will not be disappointed.

Know your expectations, but keep an open mind.
Before trying to get a good reading, you will have to decide for themselves, what are their expectations and what do you want from your reading. If you feel you have urgent problems that you would like your psychic to address then place on top of the list and determine what type of information you receive.
Be sure to keep an open mind when you get your psychic reading. It is perfectly acceptable to be curious and even a little cautious, but try not to be confrontational or skeptical. A psychic ability depends on reading in their thoughts and emotions. If you feel your hesitation hinder their chances of a good reading.

Relax and understand their limits.
Always try to relax before you get your reading light. If you feel calm, safe collection and even the psychological process, will be more fun for you and your psyche. If you give positive energy, the best and its interpretation will be clearer.

If you are relaxed, it is much more likely that you will not be able to focus on what you want your psychic to see. If you give energy without clouds, the psychic be able to interpret their circumstances much more easily. You and your clairvoyant, obviously, have their limits - they will not know everything about you and you can not have an absolutely clear mind - but if you focus your mind if you will get much closer to that you want.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018



This means you are gentle tolerant realistic
and have a strong interpersonal skills with a curved head line.
 In fields like mass media, PR, literature,
 social sciences, psychology etc.
 you can show off your talents completely

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Bending Degrees of Head Line

  • Straight

 your head line is straight, this mean predicts that you have a strong analytic ability, practical, and dedicated. You were usually a born ideologist and could perform well in mathematics, commerce, science and technology fields.


Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Hand lines

Hand line is very important in palmistry life ,its change your life ,,

so feel free and check your hand line 

Head line  is the very important line in palmistry life
The head line reveals a person's wisdom, belief, attitude, thinking ability, strain capacity, creative ability as well as abilities of memory, self-control and more.
it indicates you are smart. Also, the length, bending degree, chains, donuts, branches, crossing, and stars of the head line convey different meanings.  


Different Length of Head Line


Length of Head Line


 1  If the line extends and ends under the small finger, it's regarded as a long line. If you have such a line, it shows that you have a very clear mind. You are responsive, good at thinking and more considerate than others.,. (image  1)

 2  Medium: If your head line extends to the ring finger, it is of medium length. Most of the people belong to this kind. You are also smart and brilliant. Sometimes, you even have a higher ability of doing things than those with a long head line. (image 2)

3 Short: A small part of the person has a short head line which only extends under the middle finger. If you belong to this kind, you are usually slow to respond, hasty, careless, indecisive and impulsive. However, your advantage is that you could finish the assigned task in a systematic way. (image 3)